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Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

The most important part of prayer is hearing the voice of God. As we listen to Him more, our relationship with Him grows. It is also an opportunity to know more about Who God is and seek His will and instructions (Jer. 42:3). If your husband is having difficulty hearing the Lord, below is a prayer that can help him:

Abba Father, grant my husband a humble and obedient heart so that he may hear Your voice. May he thirst for You more, be eager to stay in Your presence, and listen to Your Word. Teach him how to submit to Your will and lead him to the path of righteousness. I praise You for Your goodness. Amen.

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

Abba Father, grant my husband a humble and obedient heart so that he may hear Your voice.

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

Five Prayers for Your Husband to Hear God

Our Heavenly Father is eager to speak to us every day, revealing His love and grace. However, we must prepare our hearts before Him (1 Chron. 29:18). Pride, callousness, unbelief, and guilt may prevent us from hearing His voice. Below are the five prayers you can utter for your spouse so that he can hear God:

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

1. Pray for a humble heart

Unless we humble ourselves, we won’t hear the voice of God. We must remember that the Lord resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). As we acknowledge God’s sovereignty over our lives, we will know Him more each day. You can ask God to grant your spouse a humble heart so that he can hear the Lord’s voice and instructions:

Abba Father, grant my husband a humble heart so he’ll be able to hear Your voice. May he choose to submit to Your will by obeying Your Word and instructions. Help my husband to acknowledge Your sovereignty, especially when he is facing trials and adversities. As he approaches You, may he thirst more for Your presence.

I renounce pride and self-righteousness in his heart, in Jesus’ Name! We have nothing to boast about, Father. Remind him every day that without You, we are nothing. Whatever we have today is all Yours. Teach my husband to depend on You alone. May his heart desire to please You and not himself. I praise You for Your goodness, Father. For this, I pray. Amen.

Abba Father, grant my husband a humble and obedient heart so that he may hear Your voice.

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

2. Pray for guidance

There’s a way that seems right for men but only leads to danger (Prov. 14:12). Therefore, you must ask God’s guidance for Your husband so that he’ll be able to resist the evil schemes of the enemy. As the Lord guides him, he will hear the voice of God instructing him about which way to go. The Lord will also reveal to your spouse His will. Ask God’s guidance through this prayer below:

Dear Lord, guide my husband every day of his life. Speak to his heart and tell him which way to go. Guide him in every decision that he has to make each day. Protect him against the evil schemes of the enemy. Whenever he faces confusion, may You remind him of Your Word and promises. 

Grant my husband a heart that is not self-seeking. Whatever he does, may he do it all for Your glory. I renounce stubbornness and rebelliousness in my spouse’s heart, in Jesus’ Name! May he live each day putting his trust only in You and not in his strength or the riches of this world. All the glory and honor belong to You alone, Lord. 

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

3. Pray for discernment

Discernment will help us hear the voice of God, distinguishing what is evil from what is good. We must remember that the devil may show himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). Thus, we must have a discerning heart so the enemy won’t be able to deceive us. You can ask the Lord to grant Your husband a discerning heart through this prayer below:

Almighty God, grant my husband a discerning heart so that he won’t get trapped by the evil schemes of the enemy. Reveal to him what is good and what is evil, Lord. Teach him to discern Your voice from the voice of the enemy. When confusion comes, may he hold on to the truth of Your Word.

In Jesus’ Name, I renounce all the confusion and deception that the enemy is throwing at my husband! Open his spiritual ears and spiritual eyes so that he may hear and see the truth. May his heart continually burn to seek Your will, pursuing what is pure and pleasing in Your sight. I praise You for Your goodness in my husband’s life. Amen.

Abba Father, grant my husband a humble and obedient heart so that he may hear Your voice.

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

4. Pray against callousness

A calloused heart can never hear the voice of God. Pride and unbelief will lead to callousness and missed opportunities to know the Lord more. If your husband has a calloused heart, you should never lose hope. The Lord can replace his heart of stone with flesh (Ezek. 36:26). Below is a prayer you can utter for your husband:

Heavenly Father, break the callousness of my husband’s heart. I renounce pride and unbelief, in Jesus’ Name! Replace his heart of stone with flesh so that he may hear Your voice. Let Your love overflow in him, breaking the walls in his heart. Let the scales fall from his eyes so that he may see the truth.

My loving Father, let my spouse encounter You today. Reveal to him that we have nothing to boast about. Without You, we are nothing. Show him Your sovereignty, Your power, Your grace, and Your everlasting love. Change his heart today so he may have the burning desire to hear Your voice. For this, I pray. Amen. 

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God

5. Pray against unbelief

Does your husband have no faith in the Lord? The lack of faith will hinder us from hearing the voice of God. It may also keep us from accepting the salvation that the Lord is offering us (Rom. 10:10-11). But if you pray for your husband, God will open his eyes, revealing to him the truth. Let your husband encounter our Lord Jesus Christ today through this prayer:

Our Lord and Savior, may my husband encounter You today. Let Your presence fill him so that he may know who You are. Reveal to him Your finished work on the cross. Help him to put his faith in You, believing that You are his Lord and Savior so that he may have salvation. Open his eyes to the truth and let him hear Your voice.

I renounce the unbelief in his heart, in Jesus’ Name! I rebuke the lies and the deception of the enemy. I declare the Spirit of truth to be upon my husband today. Let his eyes see and let his ears hear, Lord. May his heart burn with passion to desire more of You. I praise You for Your goodness and loving mercy, Lord. Amen. 

Abba Father, grant my husband a humble and obedient heart so that he may hear Your voice.

Prayers For My Husband To Hear God


By hearing God’s voice, we will be able to know His plans and instructions (Jer. 29:11). The results of spending time with Him are guidance, wisdom, and discernment. However, it takes faith and humility to recognize His presence and know His will. If your husband cannot hear God’s voice, pray that he will have an encounter with God and that his relationship with Him grows.

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